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Article: Using Herbs to Balance our Menstrual Cycle


Using Herbs to Balance our Menstrual Cycle

 One of the greatest gifts that we hold within us as women is our Menstrual cycle. Each one of us has a story to tell about their journey with their Menstrual cycle. We’ve grown up within a world telling us that it limits us. We’re told that the pain & the anxiety are normal. We’re told that this is what we should expect & accept as women. It’s so far from the truth.
These are all signs that our Menstrual cycle is out of balance, & that we’ve become disconnected to the rhythm within us. When we bring balance back, our Menstrual cycle becomes our greatest guide, mentor & ally through our life.  Our Menstrual cycle creates a rhythm within us.

A rhythm of 4 phases. Menstruation, Pre Ovulation, Ovulation and Pre Menstruation. Each of our 4 phases shifts the way that we feel within ourselves, within our body & within the world around us.

When each of our 4 phases are balanced, we’re able to fully drop into our Menstrual cycle. This is how we THRIVE as women.
Herbs are a beautiful ally to bring balance back to our Menstrual cycle. They can rebalance our hormones, prevent & ease cramping, regulate the days of our cycle, reduce the symptoms of PMS, balance the flow of our bleed, strengthen our womb, deeply nourish & replenish our body & repair our central nervous system.
Let me show you how you can use them to bring balance back to each of your four phases…
We begin within Menstruation. We usually stay here for 3-7 days. Our Menstruation holds the end of our previous cycle & the beginning of the one to come. Our hormones collapse to the lowest that they’ll be throughout our whole cycle & our energy collapses alongside.
When our Menstruation is UNBALANCED, it’s a time of pain & exhaustion.
When our Menstruation is BALANCED, it’s a time of deep presence, effortless wisdom & inner peace.
We choose SERENITY to bring balance back to our Menstruation. This herbal blend works to ease cramping, relax our body (which is vital while we bleed), nurture us, ground our thoughts & connect us to our divine feminine.
ROSE is held within the blend. Let’s take a closer look at how she’ll help…
She’s an ANTI INFLAMMATORY herb helping to gently soothe any cramping & bloating that may arrive. She’s an NERVINE herb that has a gentle ability to uplift us & bring a loving calmness & peace. She’s an ASTRINGENT herb that tones & strengthens our womb. She’s the flower of beauty, passion & protection. She deeply connects us to our divine feminine. She belongs with us within Menstruation.
We then move into Pre Ovulation. We usually stay here for 6-10 days. Our Pre Ovulation begins as our bleed ends. Estrogen gently grows & our energy gently grows alongside.
When our Pre Ovulation is UNBALANCED, we feel over exposed, impatient & depleted.
When our Pre Ovulation is BALANCED, we feel curious, playful, optimistic & enthusiastic.
We choose CLEANSE to bring balance to our Pre Ovulation. This herbal blend works to deeply nourish our body by replenishing the nutrients we lost within our bleed, rebalance our hormones by dispelling excess hormones from our body, & cleanse our body as we prepare for the cycle to come.
NETTLE is held within the blend. Let’s take a closer look at how she’ll help…
Nettle cleanses our body, & nourishes & revives us as we emerge from Menstruation. She’s an ALTERATIVE herb. She cleanses all the pathways of our body. She’s a NUTRITIVE herb.
She deeply nourishes us with her incredibly rich nutrient & mineral content.
She has an incredibly high iron content, all our B vitamins & every trace mineral, among many others. She helps to replenish any nutrients that we lost within our bleed.
She cleanses & detoxes our body & then deeply nourishes us & rebuilds us back up. She ensures that we step into our new cycle feeling rejuvenated & ready to embrace each of our following phases.
Ovulation follows. We usually stay here for 3-4 days. Estrogen is SOARING & testosterone joins too. Our energy is abundant & overflowing.
When our Ovulation is UNBALANCED we feel lost, disconnected & drained.
When our Ovulation is BALANCED we feel FULL- in the most beautiful way. Emotionally, physically, energetically, sexually & spiritually abundant. We feel confident, passionate, generous & creative.
We choose DIGEST to bring balance to our Ovulation. This herbal blend supports our rapidly growing energy & rebalances our hormones.
CALENDULA is held within the blend. Let’s take a closer look at how she’ll help…
Calendula balances our hormones & gently nourishes our reproductive system. She’s an ESTROGENIC herb. She balances the amount of Estrogen our body produces- our hormone that reigns our Ovulation. She mildly stimulates the receptors of those of us who produce too little Estrogen, & blocks the receptors of those of us who produce too much. She also helps our body to reduce pelvic congestion & ease the cramping & pain that some of us experience within Ovulation.
Finally, comes Pre Menstruation. We usually stay here 10-14 days. Progesterone rules this phase & our energy begins to withdraw inwards. Our Pre Menstruation is our most misunderstood & mismanaged phase. This is a very sacred time.
When our Pre Menstruation is UNBALANCED, we feel anxious, intense & overwhelmed. We experience PMS.
When our Pre Menstruation is BALANCED, we feel strong, assertive, intuitive & deeply peaceful.
We choose SERENITY to bring balance to our Pre Menstruation. This herbal blend works to bring balance to the intensity that we can feel within our emotions, soothe our central nervous system, ease symptoms of PMS & prevent any cramping that may arrive within the following phase.
PASSION FLOWER is held within the blend. Let’s take a closer look at how she’ll help…
She’s a SEDATIVE herb that balances, relaxes & calms our minds. Our critiquing energy within Pre Menstruation can have us obsessing over negative thought patterns. Passion flower brings peace. She grounds our thoughts. She’s an ANTISPASMODIC herb that works to prevent any pain within the phase to follow.

Through choosing these herbs, we’re choosing to reclaim the sacredness of our body & our Menstrual cycle.
My name is Eliza.
My Menstrual cycle used to be a constant battle in my life. I experienced unbearable pain within Menstruation, & my Pre Menstruation was filled with an overwhelming anxiety & anger.
Like so many of us, I was told that ‘it’s just something that you have to learn to live with as a woman’. I was then diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries but never given any help to heal. So I took ownership of my body.
Through this long journey to heal myself, I’ve not only healed my body. I’ve fallen in love with being a woman.  I deeply understand my inner rhythm & have aligned my life to it.
I feel deeply connected to myself. I know the root of my emotions & I know myself at my core. Every part of my life is now THRIVING- because of my Menstrual cycle.
My Menstrual cycle is my biggest guide, ally & mentor. Now, I’m travelling around the world with my daughter. We’re living in a beautiful little home in the jungle of Bali & I have the guidance of my Menstrual cycle to thank for it all.
I want to show every woman how to reclaim the sacredness of their Menstrual cycle. We all have this incredible gift within us. She’s just waiting for you to discover her. 

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